Wednesday, December 10

Oh Crap.

I don't know how it happened. A time warp. Black hole. Early Alzheimers. All I know is that I am having a total panic attack because I just realized, (yes literally just now) CHRISTMAS IS IN 14 DAYS!! AARRGGGG!!! I don't have ONE gift purchased yet. I don't have a single card filled out, much less MAILED. Oh. My. Gawd.

::::::dead faint:::::::


Christina Schmidt said...

I am done shopping for the most part. I have one gift card to buy for my dad and I should likely do that soon but the cards thing? I am about the throw the whole Christmas card thing out the window. How about a nice New Year's card? Martin Luther King Day? Feliz Lunar Eclipse?!

Dysd Housewife said...

OH. I like that plan. Yesindeedy.

AndreAnna said...

Yeah, me either. Nothing. Not even stocking stuffers. Moneys been so tight and I've been waiting on some overtime money that is finally coming through this week! Nothing like waiting till the last minute.

AndreAnna said...

Oh and I don't have your email to reply to my posts, so if you want me to, just shot me an email with your email address! Love to chat!

Suburban Correspondent said...

I think we've stumbled into the same black hole. And could you get that Christmas Countdown widget off your site? It's giving me an anxiety attack. Thanks.

Dysd Housewife said...

SuburbanCo- Actually I think the Christmas Countdown thing is what CAUSED my oh crap moment. LOL

Chaotic Joy said...

Hee hee. This was totally me last year. And you know what, it all got done. Although it was a rough couple weeks. Just do what has to be done. Like the Christmas Cards, your husband didn't even know you sent them. So you could nix those altogether. :)