Thursday, April 5


Why yes indeedy. I do in fact, have bugs. Let me preface this with the fact that I keep my house fairly clean. Aside from various matchbox cars, tank-engines, and a Nintendo gamecube that resides in the middle of my living-room floor, the main areas are somewhat tidy. (disclaimer: All juvenile domains i.e. bedrooms, are outside the guaranteed cleanliness perimeters - enter at your own risk.) I am somewhat picky about my kitchen, and I clean out my cupboards every few months and I even line them with contact paper. Mee Soo Tideey.
So, the other day when I saw 2 teensy brown beetles in my living-room window sill, I thought, hmm. they must be coming in from outside. I mean, I did recently spend most of the day with the front door wide open due to Someones Norwegian Grandfather. When I noticed a few more beetles in another window sill, I still didn't think much of it. But last night while watching our evening episode of CSI, DysdHubby reached over and said "hey look, a hitch-hiker" And sure enough, there was yet ANOTHER tiny little brown beetle making it's way through a forest of my mans arm hair. Now I was irritated. Climb on my window sill, no problemo. Climb on my HUSBAND, and you're messing with the wrong housewife. Upon closer inspection I noted that these things LOOKED like some type of pantry *weevil*. OH NICE. So I got on the internet and did a quick search, and discovered that I have "warehouse weevils". Oh and did I mention that it's not really a good idea to do a search on creepy crawly things right before you are going to BED? Needless to say, I got up bright and early to start tearing my entire kitchen apart, trying to figure out where these little buggers were coming from. Then I found them. I had forgotten about a big box of dried soup mix I had put in a bottom cupboard. It was like a 5 Star Weevil Resort. Hundreds of beetles, sprawled out in their tiny little hammocks, sipping on tiny little umbrella drinks.



Amanda said...

Full body heebey geebies (unsure of precise spelling of that last term). So proud of you for decimating the refugee weevils. Once upon an awful time I was standing with my mom and noticed a little worm on the wall. We both gave sort of dismissive "ew"s and then promptly snatched it away with a tissue. Moments later I looked up and saw the ceiling crawling, I mean horror movie, ceiling coming to life nastiness as I registered that there were literally hundreds of the little nasties up there. The culprit? A twenty pound sack of bird seed. I sucked 'em all up with a vacuum cleaner, hauled the sack to the curb and then sprayed every chemical I could find in the closet and slammed the door. I have never personally opened that door again. Sorry for the novella comment.

Dysd Housewife said...

Amanda~ I would be in the yard calling DysdHubby on the phone telling him to "come home right now and take care of this problem", if them things were coming off my ceiling! ACK! PS I totally love Novella's!

The Sour Kraut said...

Our creepy crawly resort was a tin of dog treats. I haven't bought the dogs treats since. And I now keep their food in hermetically-sealed containers.

Dysd Housewife said...

TSK~ OKAY Eww..Not even the dang dog is safe..And Really, where do these things COME from in the first place??

Moments Of Mom said...

Holy Crap, we had some kind of creepy crawlers in our first apartment after we got married that some how resembled both a worm and a beetle and we kept finding them behind the computer desk... EWWEE. I am so glad we didn't google them, since there was no google then!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Yikes! I just found some 'sugar ants' (the teeny tiny kind) in my laundry room, and let me tell you, I am on the hunt! Ants make me c-r-a-z-y!!! I once lived in an old house in the woods and found one on my bed---while trying to figure out where they were coming from, I pulled the mattress off the box spring and found hundreds of them living there! Ugh, this makes me itchy even now. I sprayed them with Raid, too, and slept on the couch for a while.

You reline your contact paper? Wowee, I'm impressed.

OhTheJoys said...

I am terrified of bugs. What a loser, right?!

dmmgmfm said...

Every summer I have little bitty ants (and uncles) in my kitchen. I go around the foundation with ant killer and it gets rid of them. They are pretty disgusting, though and I think this year I'll kill early so they don't end up in my kitchen. Thanks for reminding me!

Gidget said...

Hate bugs!
kill'em ALL!

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I would be freaking out! I have these long silver beatle things with a million legs that appear usually in the bathroom but the other day, I found one on my bed. UGH.

Anonymous said...

No! Not the children! Think of the chiiiiiiildrennnnnnn...

Hey, I like your blog. And I will be back. And thanks for the linky :)

Anonymous said...

omigod, omigod, eww! i will have trouble sleeping tonight, thanks to you! ;)

Mother of Chaos said...

GAH! OK, I buy my flour in bulk, and This One Time (which lives in infamy and for which I should probably seek therapy) I opened up the fifty pound sack (which had been unopened in the garage for about two weeks) and was confronted with a sack chockfull of weevils.

My scream is still revolving in space. I swear it is.