Wednesday, January 7

New Years Restitution Resolution

I am fat..FAT FAT FATTY FAT. I can't hide it any more. The big T-shirts aren't cutting it anymore.

I once promised myself (years ago, when fooling myself was easy) that I would absolutely NEVER wear a double digit.

I didn't grow up fat. As a child, I was a stick. I got teased for being too thin. As a teenager, I was a svelt size 5. And for 5'9, that was pretty darn svelt.

Then I had babies. OH lord the sacrifices a mother makes. I got fat WHILE pregnant. And then I got pregnant AGAIN and got even FATTER. And that's when I gave up the promise of never a double digit.

Fast forward a decade and I have two options.


OPTION 2. A new promise: never to wear a double digit that begins with NUMBER TWO. But see, I simply can't *do* option 2. I can't bring myself to OWN this. I can't just be a proud fat girl. I don't have it in me. So option numero uno it is.

As of yesterday I am going Low Carb. I WILL lose weight. I may have to kill several innocent bystanders on the journey, cuz man am I a BEYOTCH without my pie and icecream, but I swear. No carbs shall pass these lips. So. help. me.


natasha the exile on Mom Street said...

I too am dieting and exercising for much the same reason.

Although my "baby weight" came from the trials and tribulations of adoption and my propensity for emotional eating.

Heart disease, diabetes and all of the wonderful diseases that go hand in hand with obesity run in my family also, so I HAVE to do this.

Let's support each other, shall we? I'll be your innocent bystander & then you can be mine. My husband will love you for it!

Mother of Chaos said...


I had a similar realization six years ago...I had to buy size 14 pants and suddenly I went, "OMG...I've added TEN pants sizes in four years (and three kids)...!!!"

I'm back to a four now. IT CAN BE DONE! COURAGE!!!

(I didn't kill too many people, although giving up my "half a pie for breakfast, the other half for dessert after lunch and oh look, we're out of pie!...better make another one..." philosophy almost killed ME...)

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I'll be cheering for you and your new resolution. I wish I could get off my ass and exercise, but, well, here I sit with my happy laptop.

BTW, could you email me? I have a little award to let you know of and need to pass something on to you. . .

As Cape Cod Turns said...

You go girl! Thanks for stopping by yesterday. I think you will like my post today, it might motivate you to do sit ups! :)

Fannie said...

Good for you! Hope no one gets maimed in the process!

Manic Mommy said...

Day 24 on Nutrisystem. No animals or small children have been harmed *yet*.

Yesterday I fell off the wagon and had two glasses of wine and two Nutrisystem desserts right before bed (the desserts before bed, the wine was over the course of the evening).

My goal is 140/5'7"/40 years old. I keep reminding myself it's do-able

Anonymous said...

I'm standing right by your side and will slap your hand if it even thinks about reaching for the pie. And I fully expect you to do the same for me. Word.